6th October City Potable treated water main transmission line to (6th of October city, New 6th of October City, October Gardens)

Country :

‎ Egypt

Client :

Construction Authority for Potable Water and Wastewater

Project Value : ‎

3 Billion EGP

Owner :

6th of October City Authority - New Urban Communities Authority (NUCA)

Start/End Date :


Project Description :

The project is a study of the distribution of quantities of water produced from different sources in cities (6 October, El-Shakh Zaid, Hadaek October and new October), it also includes the preparation of tender documents for the projects recommended for the study including:

-        Design of 6 kilometer RC pipeline with a 1500 mm diameter to feed Hadek October city from new 6 October WTP,

-        Design of 4 kilometer RC pipeline with a 1200 mm diameter to feed new October city from new 6 October WTP,

-        Design of 16 kilometer RC pipeline with a 1200 mm diameter to feed Northern expansions in 6 October city from new 6 October WTP,

-        Design of 7 kilometer HDPE pipeline with a 1000 mm diameter to feed eastern expansions in 6 October city from new 6 October WTP,

-        Design of 9 kilometer HDPE pipeline with a 1000 mm diameter to feed industrial zone in 6 October city from new 6 October WTP,

-        Design of 20 kilometer HDPE pipeline with 800 mm diameter to feed new October city from underground tank in Hadek October city,

-        Design underground tank capacity 20,000 m3 in Hadek October city,

-        Design underground tank capacity 40,000 m3 in Hadek October city.

Services provided :

-        . Design calculations and detailed drawings

-        Preparation of tender documents

-        Preparation the water network  

hydraulic analysis model to 6october city