Al-Jabal Al-Asfar Sewage Treatment Plant Force Main from New Cairo to Al-Jabal Al-Asfar Sewage Treatment Plant serving the Planned Areas for Urban Development, and Urban Expansions on Suez Road and West Ring Road.

Country :


Client :

Construction Authority for Potable Water and Wastewater

Project Value : ‎

4 Billions EGP

Owner :

New Cairo City Authority - New Urban Communities Authority (NUCA)

Start/End Date :


Project Description :

- New Sewer pipeline to serve parts of New Cairo City & Urban Expansions starting Al-Chouifft station on regional ring road to Al-Jabal Al-Assfar Wastewater treatment plant.
- Gravity Sewer pipelines with a diameter (2000-3400 mm) and 39.7 km length.
- The project is divided to open drilling part with a 30 km length & Canal Crossing part with a 9.7 km length.

Services provided :

Review, Approval of shop drawings, technical submittals & As-built drawings.
- Construction supervision.