Integrated wastewater project in Delta (ISSIP1) of Wastewater Treatment Plant at Nemrat El Basal Village and Sewage System (Networks & pumping stations) for 5 Villages (El Mahla & Qutor) GH2 group- Gharbia governorate- funded by World bank

Country :


Client :

National Authority for Potable Water and Sewage - NOPWSD

Project Value : ‎

70 million EGP

Owner :

Gharbia Potable Water & Sanitation Company

Start/End Date :

2008- 2012

Project Description :

The project was constructed under ISSIP – 1 Program partially funded by the World Bank for the provision of Sewage services to 4 villages in Gharbia Governorate in the Egyptian Delta. The services included Gravity Lines, Force Main, Pumping Stations, Networks, and House Connections It also included the Construction of a Wastewater Treatment Plant of a total capacity of 8000 m³/day at Nemra El Basal (secondary treatment)

Services provided :

- Review, Approval of shop drawings, technical submittals & As-built drawings.
- Construction supervision.