New Alamain City
Infrastructure Design of New Alamain smart City
Country :
Client :
New Alamein City Authority - New Urban Communities Authority (NUCA)
Project Value :
5 Billion EGP
Owner :
Construction Authority for Potable Water and Wastewater
Start/End Date :
Project Description :
The project is the preparation of design documents and tender copies for infrastructure projects (roads, Smart water networks, sewage networks, Smart irrigation networks, storm networks) for an area of 15,600 acres in the new El Alamein city including:
- Design of 385 kilometer pipelines with a 100 to 1000 mm diameter water network with Smart control valves system,
- Design of 40 kilometer pipelines with a 100 to 900 mm diameter irrigation network with Smart control valves system,
- Design of 300 kilometer pipelines with a 200 to 1600 mm diameter sewage network,
- Design of 235 kilometer pipelines with a 300 to 2600 mm diameter Storm network,
- Design of 3 Elevated Tanks each one capacity 4000 m3,
- Design of 3 underground Tanks each one capacity 40,000 m3,
- Design of underground Tank capacity 80,000 m3,
- Design of 4 sewage pump station,
- Design of 4 sewage force main with a 700, 900, 900 and 1200 mm with total length 16 km including control and monitoring system along the 4 pipelines by SCADA systems,
- Design of 4 storm pump station,
Design of 4 storm force main with a 1200, 1200, 1400 and 1800 mm with total length 23 km including control and monitoring system along the 4 pipelines by SCADA systems.
Services provided :
- Design calculations and detailed drawings
- Preparation of tender documents.